James Shih

James Shih

Stay curious, keep exploring.

打 bounty 賺穩定幣|Earn stablecoins from bounties


我創了一個穩定幣賞金社區,Stablecoins.club,任何人可以透過完成賞金任務賺取 USDC。這是一個開放的 Slack 群組,任何人都可以加入。任何人都可以在 #bounties 頻道中創建賞金任務,任何人都可以透過回覆賞金任務貼文來提交他們的解決方案並由賞金任務創建者選擇贏家以獲得賞金。賞金任務可以是任何東西,例如標誌設計、產品回饋、幫助某人規劃他的日本旅遊行程等。請發揮創意!目前,賞金支付只能以 USDC 形式進行,因為我創建這個社群的主要目的是幫助媒合擁有 USDC 並透過網路發包工作的人與希望完成網路工作賺取穩定幣的人建立聯繫。賞金任務創建者現在必須自行向獲獎者發送獎金,我正在努力使這一過程自動化。歡迎俱樂部並開始賞金狩獵!


I have created a stablecoins bounty community called Stablecoins.club, enabling you to earn USDC through various bounties. It's an open Slack group for anyone to join. You can create bounties in the #bounties channel with USDC payouts, and anyone can submit their solutions by replying to bounty posts for bounty creators to select winners to receive the payouts. Bounties can encompass diverse tasks, such as logo design, providing product feedback, assisting in creating a travel guide for a trip to Japan, and more. Let your creativity flow! Presently, bounty payouts are exclusively in USDC, as my primary aim is to connect individuals possessing USDC, seeking talent for online projects, with those wanting to earn stablecoins through internet-based work. At the moment, bounty owners will manage payouts to winners, as I am in the process of automating this system. Join the club and dive into bounty hunting!


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